
Homemade Japanese Breadcrumbs (Panko)

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Homemade Japanese Breadcrumbs (Panko)

Prep Time 10 min Cook Time 15 min Rest Time 30 min Total Time 55 mins


Learn the secret to making crispy and light Japanese breadcrumbs, perfect for all your frying needs. A simple, homemade recipe for panko-style breadcrumbs.



  1. Take slices of white bread and cut off the crusts.
  2. Arrange the slices on a baking sheet without overlapping and place them in the oven.
  3. Toast the bread at a low temperature to prevent changing the color.
  4. Once toasted, remove from the oven. The texture should be crispy and the sound should be crunchy when touched.
  5. Chop the bread using a knife until you reach the desired texture.
  6. Toast the crust at 160°C
  7. Let the toasted crusts cool completely.
  8. Grind the cooled bread into fine breadcrumbs using a food processor.
  9. Sift the breadcrumbs to remove any large or coarse pieces.
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