
Grilled & Fried Chicken Burger Sandwich

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Grilled & Fried Chicken Burger Sandwich

Prep Time 30 min Cook Time 10 min Total Time 40 mins
Servings: 5


Honey Mustard Sauce


  1. In a blender, add the chicken cubes & the sour milk then blend well till the chicken is minced.
  2. Transfer the minced chicken to a bowl & add the flour. Season it with salt, black pepper, paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, chili powder & dried celery (optional).
  3. Mix all the ingredients well.
  4. Rub your hands in oil before starting to shape the burger.
  5. Start making a ball shape then press it to form the patty. It's preferred to make the patty thin to ensure it cooks well.
  6. Put between the burger patties a plastic sheet or bag. Freeze it.
  7. In a pan, melt the butter and toast the burger buns.

Cooking the Burger Patty, Pan Grilling Method

  1. It's better to cook the burger when it's completely frozen.
  2. In a pan, put some oil and cook on medium heat on both sides. it usually takes 2 minutes on each side to cook.
  3. Flip on both sides till fully cooked.
  4. Note: you can also cook it on a grill.

Cooking the Burger Pate, Breading Method

  1. In a bowl, mix 1 egg, 1 Tbsp milk & a pinch of black pepper.
  2. In a plate, season some flour with the same seasoning you used with the chicken.
  3. Now dip the burger in the seasoned flour, then dip into the egg wash.
  4. Now you can either dip the burger again in the seasoned flour or dip it in crispy breadcrumbs
  5. Deep fry on medium heat.

Preparing the Sandwish

  1. Line the burger bun with the honey mustard sauce. Put lettuce and the grilled burger. Now add tomato slices.
  2. As for the fried burgers, skip the tomatoes, and add cheese & smoked turkey.
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