
Eggplant Tomato Pasta

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Eggplant Tomato Pasta

Prep Time 10 min Cook Time 30 min Total Time 40 mins
Servings: 2



  1. Eggplant: Chop eggplant into small cubes, season with garlic powder, dried thyme, salt & pepper and olive oil
  2. Place eggplant in a preheated oven for 45 - 50 minutes
  3. Cook the penne pasta in boiling water & salt (pasta water should taste like sea water)
  4. Chop veggies and mince garlic
  5. In a pan, add olive oil, the chopped onions, yellow bell pepper and green chili pepper
  6. Add sliced sun-dried tomatoes and tomato paste
  7. Add seasoning
  8. Add chopped tomatoes can and sugar
  9. Allow it to reduce and thicken for a few minutes
  10. Add eggplants, mixed olives and fresh thyme
  11. Add the cooked pasta to the pan then top with grated parmesan cheese
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