
Chicken With Potatoes

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Chicken With Potatoes

Prep Time 20 min Cook Time 2 hour Total Time 2 hrs 20 mins
Servings: 4



  1. Make cuts in the chicken thighs.
  2. In a bowl , mix minced garlic , olive oil , chicken spices , turmeric , paprika , salt and black pepper.
  3. Apply half of the marinade in the bowl on the chicken thighs and leave it for 2 hours.
  4. In a pan , put some olive oil and grill the chicken thighs .
  5. In parchment paper, slice some potatoes and vegetables, and add the other half of the marinade on it.
  6. Add to the vegetables in the butter paper the cooked chicken thighs and add some olive oil on top.
  7. Close the butter paper and add foil paper to close it with .
  8. In a preheated oven , put it and let it cook for an hour or hour and a half on 180 degrees.
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