
Stuffed Onions

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Stuffed Onions

Prep Time 15 min Cook Time 55 min Total Time 1 hr 10 mins
Servings: 2


Stuffed onions are a versatile and delicious main course that can be enjoyed by meat lovers and vegetarians alike. These hollowed-out onions are transformed into flavorful vessels filled with savory goodness. Once stuffed, the onions are simmered in a flavorful broth or baked in the oven until tender and caramelized. The result? A hearty and satisfying dish that's perfect for a comforting meal.


For the Broth


  1. In this recipe is preferred to use large-sized white onions. Prepare the onions by cutting off the tops and bottoms and removing the outer skin. Cut almost in half while leaving the two parts connected in the middle. Boil the onions for 10 minutes.
  2. In a bowl, add rice, onion, tomato, parsley, mint, seven spices, lemon juice, tomato paste, salt, pepper, date honey and olive oil. Mix together.
  3. In a separate bowl, mix tomato paste, onion water, date honey, chicken bouillon cube, salt and pepper to create the broth.
  4. Carefully peel the layers from each onion. Stuff each onion layer with the rice mixture and roll up gently.
  5. Create a base layer with sliced tomatoes and potatoes in a pot. Arrange the stuffed onions. Pour the prepared broth over the stuffed onions until they are fully covered.
  6. Place over medium heat, cover and cook for 30-45 minutes. Drizzle some date honey when ready to serve.
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