
Roasted Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese Sandwich

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Roasted Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Prep Time 10 min Cook Time 40 min Total Time 50 mins


For the Grilled Cheese


  1. In an oven tray, put tomatoes (cut in half), 1/2 garlic head, onion, thyme, olive oil and salt & pepper
  2. Roast in the oven at 200 degrees until cooked and slightly caramelised
  3. Add the roasted veggies to a pan, add water and blend with a blender
  4. Add tomato paste and fresh basil

For the Grilled Cheese

  1. Add cheese to toast, cut into heart shape
  2. In a pan, grill the cheese until it melts and serve with tomato soup
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