
Meat With Cream And Mushroom

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Meat With Cream And Mushroom

Prep Time 15 min Cook Time 20 min Total Time 35 mins
Servings: 2


Beef Marinade

Mushroom Sauce


Beef Marinade

  1. Marinade the thinly sliced beef fillet with flour, paprika, salt and pepper.
  2. Pan fry the marinated beef on both sides till it gets color.

Mushroom Sauce

  1. In the same pan, add butter, minced onion, thinly sliced mushrooms and leave them to cook.
  2. Then add minced pickled cucumber and cooking cream .
  3. Season with salt , pepper , paprika and 1 teaspoon of mustard.
  4. Add the cooked beef and mix.
  5. Serve with basmati rice.
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