
French Toast

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French Toast

Prep Time 5 min Cook Time 10 min Total Time 15 mins
Servings: 1


Part One : Apple Pie

Second Part : French Toast


Part One : Apple Pie

  1. In a pan , cook the chopped apples ,cinnamon , sugar and butter.

Second Part : French Toast

  1. In a bowl , mix the egg , milk and cinnamon or vanilla.
  2. Cut the toast into thick pieces .
  3. Dip the thick piece of toast in the mixture in the bowl .
  4. In a pan , put the butter .
  5. Cook the toast in the pan on both sides to get the desired color .
  6. Then put the toast in the serving plate.
  7. Add to the toast the cooked apple pie .
  8. Then add the maple syrup or honey or caramel.
  9. Finalize with adding the chopped nuts on top of it .
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